Sunday, May 12, 2013

roasted carrots and parsnips

I saw an episode of The Barefoot Contessa where Ina made this side dish for a cute up and coming blogger. This was probably 3 or 4 years ago but I've been pretty jealous ever since but I did come out of that experience with this incredible side dish - AND it made me try parsnips for the first time. Have you tried them?? They are incredible!! They're similar to a carrot but they have a crisper, cleaner flavor. Oh so good. AND if you make a double batch you can use them in her winter soup recipe the next day (I've made it before and I approve that soup-age). Do you have any of her cookbooks? Because honestly you need to get them all. Maybe one day I'll get good at this food blog thing and we will have contests and I will give away her books. And maybe one day I will move next door to Ina and I will be a fixture in her cooking show like her buddy T.R. I hear cute little Mormon housewives are good for ratings...

Recipe inspired by Ina Garten
Serves 6

1 pound carrots, scrubbed and cut and 1 inch diced. 
2 pounds parsnips, peeled and 1 inch diced. 
salt and pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Toss carrots and parsnips in a bowl with olive oil and coat. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 30 minutes, tossing everything with a spatula every 10 minutes until nice and browned.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! This was my first experience with parsnips as well. They almost have a spice hint or something with the consistency of a carrot/potato. I will definitely make this again!


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