Wednesday, May 8, 2013

warm brie with honey and pistachios

Rather than my regular handfuls-of-trailmix-while-getting-my-kids-their-lunch habit I decided to treat. myself. Creamy brie with sweet honey, salty and crunchy pistachios, and cold crisp apples. From start to finish this took 7 minutes and was worth it.

Adapted from the fabulous Ina Garten
This recipe makes lunch for you, yourself and you.

Small slice of brie
Slices of artisan bread, toasted 
Generous drizzle of honey
Handful of roasted, salted pistachios
1 apple, preferably tart for contrast, sliced thin

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Place your brie in a pyrex dish or ceramic baker and drizzle with honey. Scatter some pistachios on top and place in your oven for 2-3 minutes. The brie should start to bulge out from the rind but shouldn't liquify. Watch it carefully.

While the brie is baking, put two slices of your bread in the toaster and toast.

When the brie is done, put your slice on a plate and drizzle any honey left in the baking dish over the top. Add your toast and apple to the plate and enjoy!

If you end up finishing this and want more. Make it again! I won't judge you because I went back for seconds....and thirds...

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