Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pesto Roasted Potatoes

These roasted potatoes are SO versatile. Without the pesto and cheese these are great in breakfast burritos or as a side for anything off the grill - burgers, chicken, fish etc. These pesto potatoes with a chicken parmesan sandwich or even just with some scrambled eggs for dinner are incredible.

photo by: Becca Bird
Another Stick of Butter Original Recipe
Side dish for 4 

3 pounds small red potatoes washed, dried and cut into halves
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper
1/4 cup prepared pesto
Freshly grated parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Combine potatoes and olive oil in a large bowl. Toss to coat.

Take a a sheet pan and lightly coat with a little cooking spray and then spread the potatoes on it. Make sure they are nicely spread, if they are too close together then they won't brown nicely. Sprinkle with salt and pepper - be generous with your pepper but stingy with the salt, maybe 1/4 teaspoon total. (You don't want to over-do it because the pesto and the parmesan are both quite salty).

Roast for 15-20 minutes, tossing the potatoes after 10 minutes. The potatoes should be nicely browned and crispy. Remove from oven and place in a serving bowl. Add the pesto and toss to combine. Sprinkle a generous amount of parmesan on top and serve immediately!

Photo by: Becca Bird 

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